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Backyard Beauty

Perfect Landing
A Yellow Swallowtail perched on top of a Purple Coneflower illustrates the beauty that can be found in your own backyard.

Buddleja Davidii
Sometimes called the summer lilac, the Buddleja or butterfly bush does indeed attract butterflies to your backyard and when they come, they photograph well.

Meet Iris
Strip away the background and you are left with the absolute beauty of an Iris bloom.

A Heart Bleeds
Strip away the background and you are left with the absolute beauty of the Bleeding Heart in bloom.

The Color Purple
Lunaria Annua or The Money Plant lights up the garden in the spring with the most beautiful shade of purple, at a time when we need it most.

The Poet's Daffodil is exquisite.

The Black Swallowtail
A Black Swallowtail perched on a coneflower against a backdrop of Day Lilies once again illustrates the beauty found in your own backyard.

Hang in There
An ant runs out of real estate as it navigates a bloom on the Moon Flower.

Hanging in There
A closer look at an ant exploring a Moon Flower bloom.

By the Light of the Moon
Perfect lighting highlights a bee heading towards the center of a Moon Flower.

Capturing a hummingbird in flight is quite the challenge.
Photographing one at rest, framed out by the backyard fence, was all about timing.
Photographing one at rest, framed out by the backyard fence, was all about timing.

The Crocus
The Crocus signals that Spring has arrived and provides a welcome infusion of color after a season devoid of it.

Forget Me Not
The Forget Me Not is a delicate flower that blooms with a color that resembles a perfectly blue sky.

Profile of an Iris
The Iris has a prominent place in the back border; an exquisite bloom in the spring as the backyard comes to life.

A honeybee explores the garden, stopping for a moment on the bloom of a Purple Coneflower.

Filet of Squirrel
Nature is powerful. A female hawk standing over her latest kill makes for a striking image.

Just Chilling
The male hawk is absolutely beautiful, standing watch from a branch on a Honey Locust tree in the Golf Course behind the house.

Spring has Sprung
Spring brings the return of color, a welcome sight after a Chicago winter.

The Bumble Bee
I planted my garden to attract butterflies and bees. It worked.

A Day in the Life
If you look closely at nature, it might just surprise and delight you.
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